coming to america

Yeah, I totally stole that title from a movie. So anyway, I have tons of pictures. That I'm able to post again may be a sign that I'm adjusting well here. So here it goes.

So I packed my bags hastily.  I had to pack the last minute because of my lola's death.

I took one last look at where I lived for the past month.

Guess which one's mine.

Pipo's bed.


Then it was time to go. With tito Ruben and mama.


 Buddy, all packed and ready.
Stop over at Nagoya.

 I just had to.

 I'm not the only weirdo with an animal.
Atleast mine could fit in my pocket.

 I think I slept for most of the 18 hour flight to Detroit.
Their airport was awesome!

Just look at this tunnel!

and it changes colors!

Next stop, New York.


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